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Night Owl's Shareware - PDSI-004-1 - Wayzata Technology (1990).iso
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Text File
323 lines
Version 1.0
Copyright 1990 by Jerry Medlin
PCINV is an invoice writing program for small and medium
size businesses which works directly with PC-AR Accounts
Receivable. The program runs on a IBM PC or compatible
computer, with one disk drive and at least 256k memory.
PCINV is a Shareware program. You are encouraged to give
copies to anyone who might use it. If you like the program and
find it useful, please contribute $25 to:
Jerry Medlin
1461 Sproul Ave.
Napa, Ca. 94559
To order using Master Card or Visa, call (707) 255-4475.
Your contribution entitles you to a copy of the latest
version of the program and limited telephone assistance, should
you require it.
To run the program, simply type "PCINV". If you want to
specify a drive and path for your data, add the drive and path
description after the program name. i.e. type "PCINV B:" to use
the B drive for data files.
A menu is then displayed for operator selection:
Enter or Change Sales Codes
Enter or Change Customers
Enter or Change Charges & Payments
Enter & Print Invoices
Configure Program
Save Data and End
Because PCINV works directly with PC-AR accounts
receivable, you should be familiar with PC-AR before attempting
to use PCINV. PCINV uses the same data files created by PC-AR.
The first three items on the menu are essentially identical to
the first three choices in the PC-AR program. You may enter or
change customers, sales codes and charges and payments entries
just as you would with PC-AR. Anything entered using PCINV will
also show up when you run PC-AR, and anything entered using PC-
AR will be available to PCINV.
The fourth menu choice, Enter & Print Invoices, allows you
to enter and print invoices one at a time. When the invoice is
printed, the details of the invoice are immediately posted to
PC-AR to be included in the next statement.
An additional field has been added to the sales codes used
by PC-AR to designate each sales code as either taxable or non-
taxable. Sales tax will be calculated for all taxable items and
the total posted to a sales code for sales tax. Use this
selection to add to the sales codes entered with PC-AR and to
mark all sales codes as taxable or non-taxable. Just scroll up
and down through the sales codes and use the * key to mark or
unmark taxable items.
If your sales are subject to sales tax, and you do not
already have a sales code for sales tax, enter one now. Then,
use the Configure Program selection to enter the same three
digit code into the program.
You may add new sales descriptions, codes and amounts at
any time.
You may enter, change or delete customers exactly as you
would with PC-AR. In fact, you are working with the same data
file, so any additions, changes or deletions made with PCINV
will immediately be reflected in PC-AR.
This selection is identical to the same selection in the
PC-AR program.
Details of each invoice printed are immediately available
here for editing.
This selection is the heart of the PCINV program. It
allows you to enter all of the information for an invoice and
then print that invoice using one of four different print
formats. The invoice format is determined by the Configure
Program menu. Only one invoice may be entered at a time. PCINV
does not allow for batch printing of invoices.
The following information is entered for each invoice:
Customer Code - The 10 digit customer code. Each customer
has a unique customer code. It is preferable to use the
last name and part of the first name for a customer code,
although numbers may be used. Read the PC-AR manual for
more information on the customer code.
Invoice Date - The month, day and year should be entered
separated by slashes "/" or dashes "-". ie 3/28/90 for
March 28th, 1990. Most of the time, just press <Enter> and
the computer's "system date" will be entered for the first
invoice or the prior invoice date for all subsequent
Due Date - The due date is also entered as a month, day and
year separated by slashes or dashes. Pressing <Enter>
enters a date one month after the due date for the first
invoice or the prior due date for all subsequent invoices.
Invoice Number - You may enter numbers or alphabetic
characters. Pressing the plus key adds one to the previous
invoice number. If you use invoices with pre-printed
invoice numbers, be sure the number entered is the same as
the next blank invoice in the printer.
Next, the invoice details are entered. You may enter
either 14 or 50 lines for each invoice depending on which form
you have chosen using the Configure Program selection.
Reference Number - The 8 characters or numbers you enter
here will be printed under the "Reference #" column on the
invoice. You may enter P.O. numbers, additional
descriptive information or leave it blank.
Sales Code - Enter one of the sales codes. Each time you
enter and additional number of the three digit sales code,
all of the possible matches are shown at the bottom of the
Description - The description may be up to 42 characters
long. If you enter the @ symbol anywhere in the
description, the number immediately following the @ symbol
will be multiplied by the first number in the description
and automatically entered as the amount for this line. So,
if you enter a description of:
125 No. 201101 Left Handed Widget Adjusters @ $1.22 each
the amount will be entered as $152.50.
If you need more than 42 characters, enter additional
Pressing <Enter> for the description will enter the
description entered with the sales code.
Amount - Enter the amount, calculator style. If you
included a price and quantity in the description, the
amount will be automatically calculated and entered.
For each line, sales tax will be calculated, entered at the
bottom of the screen and added to the invoice total. Sales tax
is only calculated for those sales codes marked as taxable using
the Enter or Change Sales Codes selection of PCINV. When you
have entered all of the individual lines for the invoice, press
escape at the Reference Number prompt and you will be presented
with the following choices:
<> Scroll up <Ins> Insert <C> Change
<> Scroll down <Del> Delete <+> Resume adding
<Home> Goto Top <S> Sort Items <P> Print Invoice
<End> Goto Bottom <Esc> Return to Menu
Press P to print the invoice. The other keys allow you to
scroll up and down through the invoice detail and to change and
sort the items. The <> Scroll up key will also allow you to
scroll up to the invoice heading information and change the
Customer Code, Invoice Date, Due Date and Invoice Number. Press
Escape to return to the main menu.
When the invoice has printed to your satisfaction, press
the plus key <+> to enter another invoice or press escape to
return to the main menu.
If, for some reason, the invoice does not print correctly,
realign your printer and press <P> again. You may print the
invoice as often as you like, and it will only be posted to PC-
AR one time.
If you wish to cancel an invoice, use the delete <Del> key
to delete all of the lines for that invoice and then press plus
<+> to reenter or <Esc> to return to the main menu.
If it becomes necessary to void an invoice that is no
longer displayed on the Enter and Print Invoices screen, you
must go to the Enter or Change Charges and Payments selection
and delete all of the entries for the voided invoice.
Using the configure program options described below you may
print invoices on one of two preprinted forms available from New
England Business Services (NEBS). The short invoice form,
number 9296, is seven inches long and can print up to 14 lines
of information plus the tax and total. The long form, 9292, is
eleven inches long and can include up to 50 lines plus the tax
and total. Both forms are 7.5 inches wide. The forms can be
ordered pre printed with your company name and address, by
calling NEBS at 800-338-3810. The mail code number is 03897.
In addition, you may use the configure program to make the
program print invoices on plain paper. The paper could be
either 7 inches or 11 inches long, but 11 inches is the obvious
choice -- I have yet to find a source for paper stock perforated
at 7 inches.
Use this selection to configure the PCINV program. Any
changes are saved immediately and remain in effect even after
terminating the program. Use the up and down arrows to move the
pointer, and then press <C> to change an item. You are allowed
to change the following information:
Display Colors - If you have a color adapter and monitor,
you can change the colors for screen borders, program
prompts, data, and background. Allowable colors are from 0
to 15 (except for background color which can only be from 0
to 7). The display is instantly updated as you enter the
new colors.
Laser Printer? - You may also change the way PCINV starts a
new page. Usually, PCINV starts a new page by counting
lines, until the page total equals 66 lines. If you enter
a "Y" for the laser printer question, PCINV starts a new
page by issuing a form feed command. This also works on
most other printers, but requires you to set the top of
form, before you start printing.
Plain Paper Invoice - If you change this to a "Y", invoices
can be printed on plain paper. The program will print the
required headings and horizontal lines and will print the
word "INVOICE" at the top of the page. A "N" answer prints
the invoice information only on pre printed forms. The
forms can be either 7 inches or 11 inches long as
determined by the Long or Short Invoice Form selection.
Long or Short Invoice Form - Choose L for a full page
invoice with up to 50 lines of detail. Choosing S, limits
the invoice to 14 lines of detail on a 7 inch long invoice.
The forms available are discussed in the previous section.
Sales Tax Rate (Percent) - Enter the sales tax rate for
your business as a percentage. If your sales tax
multiplier is .0625, then enter 6.25 as the sales tax rate.
This number will be multiplied by the amount for each
taxable sales code to obtain the sales tax total for the
Sales Tax Sales Code - Sales tax for each invoice will be
posted to this three digit sales code. This should
correspond with the sales code entered under Enter and
Change Sales Codes for Sales Tax.
Disk Drive and Path - Enter a drive and path designation
for PCINV data. If you want the program to read data from
the B drive, enter B:.
Invoice Heading - If your company name and address is not
pre printed on the invoice forms, you may enter up to 5
lines for a invoice heading. This name and address would
normally be the same as the statement heading you entered
into the PC-AR program using ARCONFIG.
Customer Heading - The program normally prints "Sold to:"
immediately before the customer's name and address on the
invoice. You may change this to any other heading that
might be more appropriate to your business. To change it
to a blank, press the space bar and then press enter.
When you have finished making your changes, press the
escape key to exit this selection. The new information will be
The escape key is always used to go back to the previous
operation. From anywhere in the program, if you continue to
press the escape key, you will eventually return to the main
PCINV transfers every detail of every invoice to PC-AR. If
you don't want that much detail on the PC-AR statements, you may
want to use the ARCONFIG program set "Invoice Detail on
Statement" to "N". That way, only the invoice number and
invoice total show up on the statement.
Each customer must have a unique customer code for posting.
If you use numbers, the program won't object, if the numbers are
all the same length. Customer number 1 should be entered as
00001, for instance. But, you should at least try the method
suggested earlier in the manual. Use a customer code made up of
the customers last name plus as much of the first name as the 10
character limit allows. Jane Smith would then have a code of
SMITHJANE (Notice there are no spaces). This method allows
rapid posting of invoices, without looking up customer numbers.
The searching method allows you to quickly examine the codes for
all of the Smiths, by typing SMITH when asked for a code.
PCINV is written in Turbo Pascal. The source code is
available for $95.